Historical Background

The Tobago Public Library, originally a subscription library, was officially incorporated with the Central Library of Trinidad and Tobago and the re-organized service formally opened on 26th April 1948, as the Tobago Regional Library, situated on Main Street, Scarborough.

In April 1959, the library was relocated from Main Street to a more spacious accommodation in the then General Administration Building on Jerningham Street.

Dr. Eric Williams, in his role as the country’s Prime Minister, turned the sod to mark the commencement of construction of a purpose built library structure in 1976, on Gardenside Street, as part of the Lower Scarborough Development Plan.

Several challenges arising during its period of construction, including a change in main contractor, were eventually surmounted and in April 1983, the library was removed from the General Administration Building to more relevant and attractive accommodation at Lower Scarborough.

The building, however, suffered extensive structural damage during a series of earthquakes experienced in 1997. After several attempts at reparation, it was recommended that the entire structure be replaced.

To facilitate construction activities on the site, the Scarborough Library was temporarily relocated to a wing of the Signal Hill Secondary School in March 2000 where basic library services continued until the completion of the present structure.

The Scarborough Library Facility reopened its doors on Gardenside Street on 23rd February 2015 with modern and expanded facilities in a three-storey building, to meet the growing information needs of the population, from babies to senior citizens.



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