

The Library Code of Conduct applies to all users of the Library. The code is designed to protect the rights and safety of staff, users, and visitors and for preserving and protecting the libraries’ material, equipment, facilities and grounds.

For the safety and comfort of staff, library users, visitors and users of the facilities, as well as protection of property belonging to the libraries, the following actions and conduct are prohibited:


  • Smoking, chewing of gum and consumption of food and/or beverages (Users will not be allowed to enter the library with food and/or beverages)
  • Possession of weapons
  • Loud abusive, aggressive, threatening or obscene language and/or behavior
  • Any behaviour that disrupts the orderly use of the library or which affects the staff’s ability to provide an effective service. Disorderly behaviour includes:
    • Disruptive noises
    • Loud and excessive talking
    • Threatening behaviour
    • Attempted theft
  • Misuse of Internet facilities as well as viewing obscene and pornographic sites
  • Tampering with or altering, editing, or damaging of computer hardware and/or software
  • Soliciting, petitioning or vending
  • Animals, except in the case of a lead dog for the differently able
  • Prolonged sleeping
  • Damage to and/or loss of materials and failure to return materials on time (This will incur charges)
  • The unauthorized removal of library items without permission (If this occurs, it will be deemed as theft)
  • Littering
  • Misuse of bathroom or other facilities
  • Moving library furniture around

Library Users Are Asked To Also Observe The Following:

  • Persons are not to enter the library barefoot, bareback, with offensive body odour or poor personal hygiene
  • Books and other property are to be kept in good condition
  • Penalties will be imposed for the willful destruction or defacing of library property
  • Persons are not to engage in sexually explicit acts of intimacy on the premises
  • Tobago Library Services reserves the right to search bags, briefcases etc.
  • Personal property must be safeguarded. Tobago Library Services will not be held liable for the loss of personal property

Copying Service Guidelines

  • All users must have a library card (where applicable) to photocopy materials
  • Before photocopying any item in the Tobago Heritage Library, users are required to consult staff at the circulation desk
  • Persons who may wish to use cameras to copy documents are required to seek permission from staff at the circulation desk

Computer Services Guidelines

  • Only one person is allowed per computer. However, children using computers may have assistance from an adult or member of staff
  • Files must ONLY be saved on removable devices

Access to Internet Services

Use of the computer facilities is on a walk-in ‘first-come-first-served’ basis. Reservations can be made at the self-service stations.


Users must possess a valid library membership card, issued in their name. Users may not lend their cards, sell their time, or otherwise transfer their daily Internet time/usage privileges to any other user.


Visitors to the library who do not possess a membership card can, at the discretion of the library staff, access the Internet and other computer services by obtaining a ‘Guest Pass’ which entitles them to one hour use for the day.

There is a daily time limit for computer use and users must abide by the time limits associated with their card/pass. Members of the library are entitled to three sessions per day of one hour each. Staff may use their discretion based on the demand for use at the time and may allow longer periods of use if the computers are free.


Wireless access to the Internet for users with their own mobile devices is available at all the public libraries in Tobago.


Internet Services for Children

Access to computers and Internet services in the children’s sections or libraries is restricted to children twelve (12) years and under. It is strongly recommended that parents supervise their child’s Internet sessions. Parents should advise their children of safety and security issues when using the Internet, and warn them against the disclosure of personal information when using email, chat rooms and social networking sites.


While the Library staff will monitor the display on the screens in the children’s library, parents or guardians are responsible for Internet information selected and/or accessed by their children.


Internet Resources
Although Internet provides access to an unlimited range of information, it is acknowledged that it may contain materials which are out-of-date, illegal, inappropriate or offensive to individuals. Tobago Library Services cannot guarantee the accuracy, authority or timeliness of any information found on the Internet. Tobago Library Services will not assume responsibility for any damages, direct or indirect, arising from its connections to the Internet.

Easy links to selected sites which we believe are authoritative and reliable are provided via the NALIS website. Links to government services and access to several online resources including EBSCO and OCLC research databases and eBooks are also available. In some cases, access is only available in the library.


Internet gaming is allowed only as long as the activity is not considered to be violent, pornographic, illegal or disruptive to other library users.


Filtering software is used to block certain categories of sites for the protection of the network and also attempts to prevent access to illegitimate sites. However, it must be noted that the filtering software, while blocking access to questionable sites, might also block access to legitimate or useful ones.


User Responsibilities
All users are expected to use this library resource in a responsible manner, consistent with the purposes for which it is provided. Tobago Library Services recognizes the privacy of the library user and does not monitor the information or sites accessed by clients. However, users are expected to respect the privacy and sensibility of other users.


Consequently, the use of the library’s computers to access material that is sexually explicit or violent is prohibited. This includes material that is pornographic, obscene or illegal, whether received through email or as a result of visits to adult sites. Tobago Library services reserves the right to determine what is pornographic or otherwise indecent and unacceptable behaviour.


Users must not use the library’s computers to gain access to restricted files or data belonging to others, perform any illegal activity, damage equipment or alter the setup of computers used to access the Internet.


In order to maintain the integrity of the computer system, users accessing the Internet must not save or download information or files to the computers’ hard drives. Any unauthorized information found saved on the hard drives of public computers will be deleted. Work may only be saved to mobile devices where access to these is available. These media are not available for sale at the library therefore, users must provide their own.

Printing and photocopying are available at a charge, which is subject to change periodically. It is the responsibility of the user to respect copyright laws and licensing agreements, and to assume responsibility for payment for any fee-based service.

Users using computer services including the Internet are expected to abide by the library’s Internet use policy for the public. Refusal to adhere to the guidelines here outlined or the direction of the Librarian will result in termination of Internet or computer sessions and or suspension of the user’s library privileges.

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